
Can Hip-Hop Artists use their Digital Profiles to have a Positive Effect on Existential Risks?

How can you interact with the internet?

When you interact with the internet you will have a digital identity. Your digital identity can be organised into personal, institutional/professional, visitor, and resident. However, your digital identity on a particular website does not necessarily have to be exclusive to one of these. A good way of visualising your digital identities is through a Virtual Residence Map, as shown below.

VR MAP 2023

For this project I have made a short YouTube video linking musical artists’ digital profiles to existential risks, and if they can use their digital profiles to have a positive effect on existential risks. In this project I also delve into specific songs by hip-hop artists and how, through their art, they try to tackle existential risks such as systematic racism, and racism as a whole. You can find this video below.